"Using HawkeyeBSB enables us to increase transparency with our banking partners and is part of Airbus’ long-term goal to continuously improve its banking relationships."

Myriam Engels
Cash Management Compliance

Airbus uses HawkeyeBSB to gain and maintain visibility over its cash management fees


  • Check whether bank invoices (including volumes and unit prices) are correct
  • Increase visibility of the banking services used by its subsidiaries and improve the head office’s understanding of these services
  • Use the data from HawkeyeBSB as the catalyst to harmonize Airbus’ fee schedules
  • Prepare for future RFPs for bank services using insights provided by HawkeyeBSB


Solution: Actionable insight Airbus can rely on

  • Automatic integration of Airbus’ bank files, received via SWIFTNet FileAct, into the HawkeyeBSB tool
  • Automatic matching of bank codes with fee schedules, regardless of the bank account, bank, or country involved
  • Detailed reporting: Automatic and consistent flagging of discrepancies between expected and actual charges, making it easier to recover any overcharges

Results: Total visibility over banking services and cash management fees

  • An accurate view of the overall charges paid to each bank at the group level
  • Visible improvements in billing processes and credits issued from the banks immediately after beginning the implementation of HawkeyeBSB
  • Accurate identification of billing discrepancies, enabling Airbus to recover overcharges
  • Easy comparison of bank charges between banks and countries

Value added by Redbridge

  • An open, easy-to-use, user-friendly tool
  • The capacity to integrate Airbus-specific data (such as internal codes) directly into HawkeyeBSB
  • Diligent support during the implementation phase
  • Unmatched expertise in bank fee analysis
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