In many treasury organizations, bank fees are simply left unchecked. We all know we should be monitoring them, but most of us run out of time or energy before we can tackle the problem. We have found time and time again that with the right abilities, a treasury professional can have a great impact on their company’s bank fees and get themselves recognized as a treasury ‘superhero’ in the process.
Join our session, “Becoming a Treasury Superhero by Monitoring your Bank Fees” on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, from 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm in the Soho Room. Redbridge Director, Dave Strand will be presenting with Cathy Cantasano, Senior Treasury Executive from W.P. Carey.
Dave Strand, CTP, Director – Redbridge DTA. Dave has twenty plus years of experience in the financial products and services industry covering a wide range of clients from corporate treasury to global banks and hedge funds. Currently, he is a Director at Redbridge DTA responsible for their corporate bank fee analysis and bank account management application covering the firm’s clients in the Eastern half of the US.
Dave will present with Cathy Cantasano, Senior Vice President, Treasurer – W.P. Carey, Inc. Cathy is a Senior Treasury Executive currently with W.P. Carey. She has extensive strategic planning, risk mitigation and operational leadership experience in both domestic and international arenas with a solid background in global treasury operations; including cash management, investments, FX hedging, A/P, A/R, credit, risk management, budgeting, reporting and analysis.
Visit booth #310 for a chance to win Apple AirPods. Do you have questions about becoming a treasury superhero? Contact us today.