Redbridge is excited to be presenting insights pertaining to Global Treasury and Cash Management, including optimization of bank cash management and payment card fees as well as our next generation of bank fee monitoring software, HawkeyeBSB. Don’t miss our speaking session! We look forward to speaking with you at Booth #218, where members of Redbridge will be located.

MythBusters: Busting the Common Misconceptions of Bank Fees and Account Analysis

Ever wonder what mysteries are hiding in your bank account analysis statements? This session will help treasury professionals implement an improved fee review process to uncover savings available from thorough reviews.


Dave Strand, Director, Redbridge
Brice Victor, Senior Treasury Analyst, Tronox


Thursday, May 31, 2018
Gramercy East Room
11:00 am – Noon

We look forward to speaking with you at Booth #218, where members of Redbridge will be located.

Schedule an appointment with Redbridge to learn more

Redbridge continues to proudly support New York Cash Exchange and all of its members!

Best regards,
The Redbridge Team

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