Rigorous financing policies require an optimal debt structure of size and scope

Key issues

The debt markets are currently undergoing profound structural changes. Redbridge’s Debt Structure Advisory team provides companies with a clear view of existing market challenges and available financing opportunities.

With Redbridge as your partner, you can:

  • Benefit from existing market conditions
  • Diversify your lenders
  • Extend the maturity of your loans
  • Optimize your financing structure
  • Secure your liquidity

How Redbridge can help you

  • Our goal is to help you make strategic decisions with total transparency and to deliver a view of the market from an independent perspective.

    Our approach is case-by-case and the scope of any engagement is always defined in advance with each client. Our scope is broad and can cover:

    • Analysis of your company’s financials and financing needs
    • Your company’s credit risk positioning strategy with banks, rating agencies and investors
    • Assessment of current bank relationships using our proprietary methodology to calculate risk-adjusted return on equity
    • Identification of all potential financing solutions, prioritized by relevancy based on the criteria of your financial team
    • Practical final recommendations for your optimal financing strategy
  • We provide our clients with unrivaled technical expertise on a wide range of debt products:

    • Syndicated bank loans, club deals and bilateral loans
    • Bond financing and negotiable debt securities
    • Private investments in all markets (USD or euros)
    • Factoring and reverse factoring
    • Securitization
    • Lease financing
    • Bank guarantees

    With more than 15 financing arrangements put in place annually, the advisory strength of the Redbridge team is based on the combined experience of all its members, enhanced by its unbiased independence without any conflicts of interest.

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