We help you implement and renegotiate your bank lines. Working closely by your side, we strive to obtain the best possible terms and conditions for financing, taking into account the market environment and your credit profile, always with the twin aims of minimizing execution risk and meeting your timeline.

Your challenges

  • You want to secure, strengthen or renew your committed liquidity.
  • You think that your credit facilities agreements are not flexible enough, you’re wondering if your financial conditions are attractive, you’re looking to structure your bank pool or adapt it to better match your side-business.
  • You want to finance or prefinance your growth or medium-term plans, such as capex or acquisitions.
  • You’re not sure whether to totally refinance your credit facilities, or reorganize and / or extend those that are already in place.
  • You wish to optimize your bank financing structure but don’t know whether to choose a syndicated credit / club deal or bilateral credit lines.
  • You want to restructure the multiple bilateral bank lines held by your subsidiaries into a single one centralized on the parent company.

Whatever your challenges and objectives, you have difficulty seeing how the banking market helps you meet them, or you want a view that is independent of that of your bank lenders regarding the amounts, as well as the terms and conditions, that you could achieve.

Indeed, even in an environment in which liquidity is abundant, we can see strong price differences between banking institutions in each of our transactions, fairly heterogeneous bank-to-bank positions, and very different requirements from a documentation perspective from one bank to another.

Financing with Redbridge

Regardless of:

  • your credit profile (investment grade or non-investment grade)
  • your company profile (listed, private, family ownership, under LBO)
  • your situation (you’re looking for new money or additional liquidity, refinancing, or waiving your existing financing following a structural acquisition or a crisis)
  • your needs (liquidity, general corporate purpose, capex, M&A…)

Our commitment is clear: to support you, to provide efficiency and transparency, and to find a clear path through the asymmetry of information that companies regularly face in their dealings with an inefficient banking market.

Along the way, we help you:

    • prepare the best approach to adopt with your lenders and your negotiations with them. A successful transaction is a perfectly prepared transaction:
      • we work on your credit profile (highlighting your credit strengths and helping you anticipate issues that may be raised by the lenders)
      • where appropriate, we analyze your funding and / or committed liquidity needs
      • we develop an ambitious but realistic target term sheet
      • we help you set out the best tactics in your dealings with your lenders (formalizing your requests, choosing the best language to use).
    • in the management of all aspects until the process until the closing and signing:
      • proactive support in the bilateral negotiation of the terms and conditions with your lenders to align them with a final term sheet
      • coordination of all stakeholders
      • close management of the process’s timeline and ensuring all deadlines are met.

    From preparing for the consultation with lenders through to signing credit documentation, we have the tools, processes and teams in place to help you obtain the best possible terms and conditions, taking into account the market backdrop, your credit profile, the appetite of potential lenders, your need for flexibility, and the constraints specific to your business model and growth objectives.

    The unique methodology we propose can adapt to any context and any credit profile, to any financing purpose, and to any type of financing and format / structure (whether that be an RCF, term loan, refinancing, amend and extend, waiver, syndicated credit / club deal, bilateral lines, unsecured / secured, senior or subordinate).

Through our established processes, you:

    • are provided with an overall view of the market at a given time
    • can rely on our recommendations and proprietary analysis and decision tools (such as rating analysis, RAROC analysis, extraction tools, databases) so that you make decisions based on documented, comparable elements
    • retain bargaining power thanks to competition between banks, which enables all price conditions and main business legal terms to be negotiated with each potential lender to result in common terms and conditions
    • control execution risk at each stage of the arrangement of financing
    • optimize the relational approach (for example by taking into account rating specific to each bank, the side businesss, …).

    In short, together, we negotiate the best possible terms and conditions for you.

Our support and advice are based on our in-depth knowledge of the market and the latest trends (such as sustainable linked loans, crisis liquidity lines, etc). With an average of two closings per month, you’re guaranteed to benefit from the most up-to-date experience available.

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