Watch the live demo of our expert, Dan Gill, presenting our new bank account management solution, HawkeyeBAM, to the four Treasury Dragons.

HawkeyeBAM was designed by treasury experts to establish and maintain accurate bank account records and the track bank delegations. This solution, which integrates your internal banking authority policy, synchronises with your banks to effectively address your compliance and internal control issues.

Today, our expert, Dan Gill, introduces the key principles behind HawkeyeBAM to the following experts:

  • Mike Hewitt
  • Keara Killian, Treasurer at RigUp
  • Royston Da Costa, Assistant Group Treasurer at Ferguson PLC
  • David Kelin

Watch the video presentation:


About the Treasury Dragons

The Treasury Dragons foundation is designed to answer a single question: how do you decide what is the best cash management technology solution for your business? This is why a panel of experienced treasurers – the Treasury Dragons – has been brought together to ask the right questions on behalf of businesses. In a series of short online presentations, the fintechs present their cash management system to the Dragons and auditors. They present the strengths of their system and are then asked to answer live questions from the experts.

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