Redbridge’s latest survey of 104 European companies reveals the first lessons of the crisis and the current priorities for treasurers: forecasts, working capital and cash pooling. Any planned savings will need to be mindful of preserving bank relationships.

Between 22 April and 4 May, Redbridge surveyed 104 French, Swiss, Belgian, British and Dutch companies to better understand how the finance and treasury functions had redeployed to remote working, what were the main difficulties encountered and, finally, what are the priorities to the end of the year. The full results, as well as our analysis, of the survey are available here.

Business continuity plans, which were activated as an emergency, have proven to be effective and ensured that cash has continued to flow.

Cash flow forecasting and management of working capital requirements were at the heart of the difficulties encountered to ensure liquidity.

Certain courses of action are required to preserve or improve upon WC management.

In respect of credit insurance and factoring partners, clients has to respond to greater scrutiny and fluctuating conditions.

The liquidity crisis stimulated companies to push the boundaries of cash pooling even further.

Although seven out of ten finance departments will launch savings plans, these need to be mindful of core bank relationships.

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