Our team provides useful information to industry practitioners, through various articles, studies and research.

The SEPA Request-to-Pay explained

All SEPA countries introduced the SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme on 15 June 2021. This scheme covers the set of operating rules and technical elements (including messages) that enable a payee to request the initiation of a payment from a payer in a wide range of physical or online use cases. Mélina Le Sauze, Director at Redbridge, explains the scheme.

Improve working capital to emerge stronger from the crisis

As a prelude to the release of a new AFTE technical report on improving working capital requirements, Nicolas Boulay, associate director at Redbridge and a contributor to the report, shares his views on the key ways to optimize working capital requirements. He explains why it’s a matter of responsibilities, organization, data and people.

Working capital survey shows digitalisation of P2P and O2C processes

Ahead of the release of a new technical paper on the optimisation of working capital, Redbridge has conducted a survey to assess whether the COVID-19 crisis has changed the dynamics of working capital within European companies. Between mid-February and mid-March 2021, 35 finance managers from major groups responded to a six-question survey, the results of which we present below.

The PGE has a major role to play in a post-crisis funding structure

In January, French Treasury and the French banks agreed to offer companies that raised a PGE (prêt garanti par l’Etat — French State Guaranteed Loan) an additional  one-year deferred amortization. Muriel Nahmias, Senior Director Debt Advisory at Redbridge, provides an update on this grace period and the options for extending PGEs.  

The impact of Brexit on card acceptance costs

Since 2007 the EU has had a single payments market, with common rules and limits on card fees. As a result of Brexit, the UK no longer comes under EU regulations, and both card schemes and card issuers are free to increase the fees they charge on card transactions between the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK, and on domestic transactions in the UK. Higher charges could represent a significant burden for merchants at a time when the retail sector is facing unprecedented pressure.    

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